
We will help you to realize your business ideas. We will save your time and money from unprofitable investments.

We are curating projects from scratch – from the very birth of the entrepreneurial idea. We develop business plans and attract investments.

At all stages of project implementation, we provide highly professional legal support.

We successfully cooperate with state authorities. We protect your interests at all levels.

We help in conducting negotiations with investors and potential partners. Including foreign ones.

We take responsibility for the security of your business. We minimize external and internal threats.


We have an individual approach to each project, but with its implementation we act on proven algorithms. Depending on the specifics of the project, the stages can be excluded or, conversely, worked more carefully.


We find out who your potential customers are (the target audience)? We distinguish several types of customers and describe how your product or service can meet their needs.

We prepare a detailed description of your product. This can be a product (for example: a bouquet of flowers) or a complex service (for example: complex phyto design of events).

Detailed description of the product, we determine its strengths and weaknesses, possible competitive advantages.

We compose a list of online and offline sites where you can find your potential customers. We plan how to attract their attention, how to return them for subsequent purchases.

We compose a list of your partners. For example, it could be: suppliers, subcontractors, transport and logistics companies, tenants or landlords.

It is necessary for an approximate calculation of the profitability of the project. It is important to determine the fixed and variable costs.

Constant costs. For example: rent of warehouses, utility payments, fixed rates for acquiring, property taxes, trade tax.

Variable costs. For example: electricity, raw materials and materials, transportation costs, dependent on the production of workers’ wages, income tax.

For example: unique experience and skills of employees, advantageous location of the outlet, exclusive contracts with suppliers.


We study:

  • Competitors and the market. Even if the idea is innovative, similar products and services on the market are already represented.
  • Industry data: average check, quantity and cyclicality of purchases. The dynamics of the industry growth, the prospects for the time of payback of the project, competitive advantages in comparison with other industries.
  • Buyers. It is necessary to collect the most complete information about prospective consumers: demographics, financial position, preferences.
  • Analysis of local conditions. Including the availability and cost of raw materials, energy, labor.

We study the average prices for the market for raw materials and components, rental of premises and so on.

We study the possibilities of obtaining state subsidies, benefits.

Based on the conducted marketing research, we compile portraits of potential consumers of the product.

Each product should not have one, but several audiences. To better understand their consumers, marketers divide them into types and visualize them, making up a portrait. This trick helps you find the most effective channels of communication with them.

The portrait of a typical representative of each group is as follows:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • place of residence;
  • marital status, number of children;
  • the scope of employment and the level of wages;
  • post, related problems;
  • needs, desires, pains, fears.

Drawing up portraits will be useful and if you work under the scheme b2b (business for business). Only in this case are the characteristics of the company interested in using your product.

For example, if a company is engaged in phyto design, its target audiences may be:

  • Young men buying bouquets for a romantic date.
  • Men of middle age, buying bouquets as a gift to wives, mothers, co-workers.
  • Mothers of schoolchildren who buy flowers for teachers.
  • Housewives who buy houseplants.
  • Office managers who buy flowers for registration of events and congratulations for jubilees.
  • Companies that organize holidays, weddings, festivals.
  • Restaurants, decorating the hall with fresh flowers.

Companies serving office centers and decorating lounges with living room plants.

This list can be continued. Each target audience has its own peculiarities and for each of them a unique selling proposal (USP) and an individual promotion plan are being considered.

For each audience, we select the most suitable promotion tools.

It can be advertising in social networks, direct and Yandex Advertising Network, street banners or promoters distributing leaflets in places of greatest concentration of potential consumers.

Points of contact – any ways (places) of interaction with consumers.

This is not only the place of immediate sale, your office or store. And also, a community in social networks, a site, leaflets, signs and advertising banners on the streets.

Each group of consumers will have their own priority contact points. For some potential customers such a point will be thematic lending, for others – a bright sign on your store, for others – an advertisement in a local newspaper or in a city Internet publication.

We design each point in a single corporate style and make the most convenient for customers.


It is not always possible to fully assess the demand for your product or service before launching the project. But often with the help of tests you can roughly calculate the potential demand and check whether your assumptions about the target customers are correct.

Often the product, which initially seemed promising, in practice is not needed by consumers. Preliminary testing will help minimize the risks of losing financial investments.

For example, if you plan to sell innovative cosmetics or phyto design services, you can create a promo site with a description of the product and launch advertising traffic on it. Analyzing the feedback of potential customers, you can judge the interest in the new product, the prospects for its sale and possible advertising budgets.

You can also run a questionnaire among your potential customers and ask to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your new product. At the same time, you can ask your customers if they like packing your product, your logo or corporate identity.


We take into account the identified features of the market and consumers, the average price of suppliers and costs.

We pay special attention to the factors:

  • The amount of funding required to run the money.
  • Making a cash flow forecast for the project.
  • Terms payback of the invested financial resources.
  • Risk factors and the likelihood of their occurrence when implementing an investment project, which may have an impact on the final result.
  • Prospective indicators of profitability and profitability.


  • The need for investment of the enterprise under the project.
  • The cost of capital involved in the implementation of the project.
  • Forecast of profit and cash flows for the project. Calculation of the break-even point.
  • Evaluation of project performance indicators.
  • Opportunities of industrial management (experience and qualifications of managers of the enterprise, their motivation within the project, compatibility of management with the objectives and main ethical and cultural values of the project).

  • Availability of labor resources, which are planned to be used in the process of project implementation.

If the operation of the project is related to export-import operations, an analysis of the foreign policy environment.


Often financing is made from several sources. They can be involved at different stages of the launch of the project and on different conditions. Therefore, it is important to determine the strategy of their most effective attraction.

When forming a strategy, the following are taken into account:

  • available sources of financing,
  • the composition of potential investors,
  • conditions of their attraction,
  • justification of the choice of investment scheme,
  • identification of the consequences of its implementation.
  • calculation of the consolidated flow of money to finance all project costs.

Our experts will develop the most profitable financing schemes for your project.

We select investors according to the financing strategy.

For negotiations with potential investors, we prepare a package of documents, including a business plan, marketing research, promotion plans and financial indicators.

We immediately apply to several credit institutions.


We help to establish work with banks on loan servicing. We quickly solve emerging problems.

Services Dom Sovetov.


We check the efficiency of employees, configure business processes
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